Sweden’s largest regional theatre, Östgötateatern have further invested in Chroma-Q’s Color Force IITM Cyc, Wash & Effects LED battens.
Welcoming around 100,000 visitors a year across their two beautiful theatre buildings and smaller venues, Östgötateatern offers a wide range of theatre – from classic Swedish tales, to modern international plays. With Color Force II in demand for a number of their performances they have expanded their stock to 26 units to enable the fixtures to be used on multiple stages and performances at the same time.
Linn Persson, Lighting Designer at Östgötateatern commented: “We first purchased Color Force II back in 2018, and they have since become a staple fixture for a number of performances taking place in our theatres. We have been very impressed with their performance, which meets our requirements for a good, strong cyc light perfectly. Our backdrops are often 7 metres or higher, and with Chroma-Q’s Color Force II we can light many metres high without loss of intensity higher up on the wall.”
As soon as the pandemic situation allows, Östgötateatern will re-open their theatre buildings. Two upcoming plays that are planned for their big stages are; The classic adventure Peer Gynt and the Swedish premiere of the comical Finnish play, Expedition Kyla. Now with additional stock of the units, Color Force II will be used on both of these performances taking place at the same time.
Linn continued: “Color Force II is a great fixture. It is smooth, bright and colourful cyc light. I can’t wait to find other ways to use them now we have more.”
The fixtures were supplied by Chroma-Q’s European distributor, A.C. Entertainment Technologies (AC-ET).
“Although AC-ET are based in the UK and we are based in Sweden, working with them has been a good experience. Their team are friendly and helpful and I know they are always happy to help with any questions we have.” Concluded Linn.