The MONDO-DR Awards updates its voting process for 2025

The MONDO-DR Awards recognises the work completed by installers and system integrators on projects around the globe across 18 categories. Anyone can enter the awards on behalf of these companies, ensuring a varied selection of projects to choose from.

For 2025, we will be updating our voting process to allow the industry to have their say on the winning projects.

A team of industry experts will be tasked with providing the shortlist and asked who they think should take away the trophies.

Voting will then open to the industry, which will combine with the judges votes to ascertain the overall winners.

Entries will open in October 2024, watch out for further announcements and updates.

The judging process 

An independent and respected judging panel made up of industry professionals will review all project entries submitted and create a shortlist of the top four in each category based on their selections.

We will then ask them to vote on the shortlist for their favourite project, and then announce the shortlist for an industry wide vote.

This gives everyone the opportunity to have their say on the final winners, with a 30% vote from the judges and 70% vote from the industry to determine the overall winners.

The Sustainability Award will be judged by a different panel, who have demonstrated evidence of sustainable practices in the industry, and may include a representative from the previous years’ winner of the award

What are they looking for

  •  The objective and initial brief
  • The creative design and specification process
  • Strategy to meet the target audience requirements
  • The installation and implementation
  • Any proof of market development initiatives
  • Evidence of technical innovation and creative solutions
  • The result and evaluation

The MONDO-DR Awards 2025 will take place in Orlando, Florida on Wednesday 11th June.