d&b collaborates with EntertainmentLAB to Mentor Startups

d&b group has signed a partnership with EntertainmentLAB, an innovation program for startups in the entertainment industry. By sponsoring the initiative, d&b fosters innovative ways to increase audience interactions in mass-event experiences.

d&b sponsored the Immersive Experiences challenge; alongside startups, they workshopped unique ways to incorporate audience interaction..

Andy Hook, Technical Solutions Director at d&b solutions, said: “We see audiences capturing experiences on their mobile devices all of the time now, but what if we could make them more of an active part of the performance through those devices, or personalize the experience for them? With the rise of AR, next-level mobile apps, smart glasses, and other advanced wearables, a world of new creative possibilities opens up, and we want to work with the next generation of creators to make this a reality.”

From January 2024 onwards, startups selected for the Immersive Experience challenge work alongside an expert team from d&b, in the creation of a proof-of-concept of their innovation.

Florian Platt, Senior Manager of Corporate Development at d&b, commented: “Key specifications we look for in potential participants are skill sets such as real-time gaming engines, cloud computing or rendering, crowd-sentiment analysis, AI-based content generation or integration of personal mobile devices with festival stage audio, video, light, and media technology. What’s most important for us though is to find a tech-savvy and passionate team of agile-thinking explorers who are keen to push their limits to develop the best possible solution out there.”

Since its launch, EntertainmentLAB has actively pursued the vision of becoming a pioneer in entertainment technology.

