WorldStage Draws Crowds to Innovative NEXT Technology Demos in New York and San Francisco

WorldStage wrapped up 2019 with record attendance for their innovative NEXT Demos at Wallplay

WorldStage wrapped up a highly successful 2019 with record attendance for their innovative NEXT Demos at Wallplay in Brooklyn, New York and Dogpatch Studios in San Francisco. Each event immersed attendees in next-generation, highly advanced technologies through guided tours featuring exclusive new LED video solutions, Mixed and Augmented Reality applications, as well as dynamic video and audio environments.

NEXT Demo guests were impressed with StageJack, a revolutionary new large-format, indoor LED video platform available exclusively from WorldStage. StageJack LED tiles are lightweight 4’ by 4’ carbon fiber panels that install in minutes saving considerable time and labor costs. StageJack enables clients to offer a far more dynamic canvas using LED video for scenic solutions at a cost far below the industry standard for LED. The giant StageJack installation at the NEXT Demos boasted 14,423,744 pixels across several walls of different shapes and sizes in various configurations and environments.

Guests were also treated to the premier of the ROE Sapphire 1.5mm LED tiles now available from WorldStage with upgraded image processing from Helios. These tiles enable WorldStage to exclusively offer 8K resolution LED walls with image processing far above the industry standard. The creative options with Sapphire allow for multiple configurations for large displays, tradeshow booths and VIP experiences that would benefit from the highest resolution rental LED displays in the industry.

As a North American Certified Solutions Provider for disguise, WorldStage demonstrated new Mixed Reality (MR) and Augmented Reality (AR) capabilities within the gx series of disguise media servers. Content creator Integrated Visions also collaborated with WorldStage to create Extended Reality (xR) content for The Cube, formed by WorldStage’s interactive LED i5FLOOR and two right-angle c3ONE LED videowalls. The experience gave guests the experience of being fully immersed in the middle of the Times Square subway station.

Also garnering a lot of attention was Pixel Forest, where guests explored a digital world with an interactive LED floor creating connections between themselves, other guests and towers of ROE LED strips. The entire experience was enhanced by an immersive soundscape based on the changing locations of guests in the forest. The interactivity was designed by Michael Kohler, Senior Manager of R+D at WorldStage, showcasing the abilities of TouchDesigner and Waltz to keep track of numerous people on a single interactive stage. Max and QLab were used by Kate Brown, from WorldStage Audio System Design, to help create the interactive soundscape.